
Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy & Postpartum Health

Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy

Introduction In recent years, the importance of holistic healthcare approaches during pregnancy and the postpartum period has gained significant recognition. Expecting and new mothers often seek safe and effective methods to ensure their well-being and that of their newborns. Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy has emerged as a valuable and trusted option to support women through this transformative journey. In this article, we delve into the crucial role of chiropractic care in promoting the health and comfort of pregnant women and new mothers. Chiropractic Care: A Holistic Approach Chiropractic care is a holistic healthcare approach that focuses on the body’s innate ability to heal itself. It revolves around the principle that the nervous system, which controls every bodily function, can be optimized through spinal health. Chiropractors are trained to identify and correct misalignments in the spine, known as subluxations, which can hinder the nervous system’s proper functioning. Pregnancy And The Spinal Connection Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that brings about profound changes in a woman’s body. The spine, in particular, undergoes significant adjustments to accommodate the growing baby. As the uterus expands, it shifts the body’s center of gravity, leading to changes in posture and an increased curve in the lower back. These changes can sometimes result in discomfort and pain. Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy focuses on maintaining spinal alignment and pelvic balance. By doing so, it can alleviate common discomforts such as back pain, sciatica, and pelvic pain. Additionally, proper spinal alignment can facilitate optimal fetal positioning, potentially reducing the need for interventions during labor and delivery. Benefits Of Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy Pain Relief Chiropractic adjustments can provide much-needed relief from the aches and pains that often accompany pregnancy. Gentle and safe adjustments can alleviate discomfort and help women enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy. Improved Pelvic Alignment Maintaining proper pelvic alignment is crucial during pregnancy. It can enhance comfort and reduce the risk of complications during childbirth. Chiropractors specialize in techniques that promote optimal pelvic alignment, contributing to smoother labor and delivery experiences. Enhanced Nervous System Function Chiropractic care ensures that the nervous system functions at its best. This is vital not only for the mother’s overall well-being but also for the healthy development of the baby. Chiropractic Care Postpartum The benefits of chiropractic care do not end with childbirth. In fact, postpartum chiropractic care is equally important. The body undergoes additional adjustments as it returns to its pre-pregnancy state. The spine, pelvis, and abdominal muscles all need proper attention and care. Benefits Of Chiropractic Care Postpartum Faster Recovery Chiropractic adjustments can play a crucial role in promoting a faster postpartum recovery by addressing the physical strain and changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant structural adjustments to accommodate the growing baby, which can lead to misalignments in the spine and pelvis. These misalignments may persist after childbirth, causing discomfort and pain. Chiropractic care can help realign the spine and pelvis, relieving this discomfort and promoting a more efficient recovery process. By ensuring that the body returns to its optimal state, women can recover more swiftly and with fewer complications. Hormonal Balance After childbirth, women experience significant hormonal fluctuations, particularly with the release of hormones like estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes can have a profound impact on mood, emotions, and overall well-being. Chiropractic care may contribute to hormonal balance by promoting the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Misalignments in the spine can interfere with the nervous system’s ability to communicate effectively with the endocrine system, which regulates hormones. Through adjustments, chiropractors can help restore proper nervous system function, potentially alleviating hormonal imbalances and supporting emotional well-being during the postpartum period. Stress Reduction Caring for a newborn can be physically and emotionally demanding. The stress of sleepless nights, feeding schedules, and adjusting to a new routine can take a toll on a mother’s well-being. Chiropractic care can offer a holistic approach to stress reduction. By realigning the spine and improving nervous system function, chiropractic adjustments can help reduce tension, alleviate physical discomfort, and enhance relaxation. This not only aids in managing the physical stress associated with postpartum recovery but also contributes to emotional well-being. A more relaxed and pain-free body can better cope with the challenges of new motherhood, allowing women to focus on bonding with their baby and enjoying this special time. Safety And Expertise It’s natural to have concerns about the safety of chiropractic care in pregnancy and postpartum. Rest assured that chiropractors specializing in prenatal and postpartum care undergo rigorous training. They use gentle, low-force techniques specifically designed for expectant mothers and new mothers, ensuring both safety and effectiveness. Conclusion Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center plays a vital role in promoting the health and comfort of pregnant women and new mothers. From pain relief to facilitating smoother deliveries and aiding postpartum recovery, chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to well-being during this transformative journey. If you’re expecting or have recently given birth, consider incorporating chiropractic care into your healthcare regimen. Your body and your baby will thank you.

Enhancing Pregnancy And Postpartum Well-being With Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

Conclusion: Empowering Wellness: Chiropractic Care In Pregnancy And Postpartum Chiropractic care in pregnancy and postpartum transcends mere discomfort relief; it embodies a holistic approach centered on fostering wellness, empowering women, and establishing a foundation for a thriving future for both mother and baby. Throughout pregnancy, Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center serves as a pillar of support, addressing not only physical discomforts but also promoting overall well-being. By utilizing gentle adjustments and personalized care, chiropractors alleviate common pregnancy-related issues such as back pain, pelvic misalignment, and sciatica. Moreover, these interventions optimize spinal and pelvic alignment, creating an ideal environment for the baby’s growth and positioning, thereby contributing to a smoother labor and delivery process. Postpartum, chiropractic care continues to play a vital role in facilitating recovery and restoring balance. As the body adjusts to the demands of childbirth and motherhood, chiropractors address issues such as pelvic floor dysfunction and spinal misalignments. By providing targeted adjustments, chiropractic care aids in alleviating discomfort and tension, enabling mothers to better cope with the challenges of caring for a newborn while promoting optimal healing. The significance of chiropractic care extends beyond physical well-being; it encompasses a holistic approach to maternal health. Chiropractors offer guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications tailored to support the unique needs of pregnant and postpartum women. This comprehensive approach empowers women to take an active role in their health and well-being, fostering a sense of confidence and empowerment as they navigate the journey of motherhood. Ultimately, chiropractic care in pregnancy and postpartum sets the stage for a bright and vibrant future for both mother and baby. By prioritizing spinal alignment, nervous system function, and overall wellness, chiropractors lay the groundwork for optimal health and resilience. With each adjustment and supportive encounter, mothers are equipped with the tools and resources needed to embrace motherhood with confidence, knowing they have the support necessary to thrive.

Pregnancy Pain? What your Chiropractor can do to Help!

Dr. Chris Mascetta | Pregnancy Info

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and beautiful time in a woman’s life, however; it can be painful, uncomfortable, and come with lots of unexpected side effects.  Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to help alleviate unwanted side effects. If you are experiencing uncomfortable pregnancy call your chiropractor today, we can help you feel your best and enjoy your pregnancy. Call our office today, we can help you feel your best and have a great pregnancy!

Pregnant? 4 Natural Therapies You Should Be Using To Help Ease Your Pregnancy Pains!

Pregnant woman suffering with headache

Finding out you are pregnant is a joyous and overwhelmingly excited event. However, the realization that your body is no longer just your body soon sets in and can provoke a fear like no other. Knowing that everything you consume, put on and do to your body may affect that little person growing inside of you, can become beyond stressful. Mothers-to-be will often choose to suffer with pain because of not knowing what is harmful and what is not. The worry of taking any medication for pain becomes too much so they choose the “better safe than sorry” approach as opposed to taking action to combat their aching back, head or legs.   Good news Mommas! There are very safe alternative methods to help you overcome those pregnancy pains without the conventional methods of overused medication for pain! In order to understand why different approaches to pain relief for pregnancy work, it is best to understand why the pain begins in the first place! The following is a little information on how the changes in your body from pregnancy affect the pain that you feel. Why is my head pounding? With pregnancy comes headaches. At some point along that 40 week pregnancy journey, you will have a headache. Women who have never had headaches will get them, and women who suffer from them will feel as though their headaches are more severe and more frequent. So, what’s the deal with headaches? During the first trimester of pregnancy your hormones surge and go crazy! This along with a huge increase in the volume of your blood will cause headaches to come on out of nowhere.   However, it’s not just the hormones and blood.  As your belly grows, your posture becomes harder to maintain and becomes far from perfect. The bigger the belly, the more your low back is pushed forward. This results in compromises all the way up your spine into your neck and head.   Your shoulders roll forward and your neck straightens to compensate for you low back. These postural changes can cause the bones in the neck to not articulate as they should. This is known as a misalignment of the spine. These postural changes and spinal misalignments will bring on headaches quickly due to the compromising of the nerves that run out of your cervical spinal column into your neck and head. Why do I feel like I can’t breathe?   Oh those hormones! Believe it or not, hormones can make you feel as though you are short of breath. Progesterone is a key hormone that increases when you are pregnant. Progesterone causes you to breathe in more deeply and makes you feel like you are not taking in enough air. Hormones are not the only culprit taking your breath away. As your baby grows, so does your uterus. Your uterus is located below the muscles of the lungs known as the diaphragm.  The larger the uterus, the more pressure being put on the diaphragm, the harder it is to breathe. During the third trimester, your baby maybe the actual cause of feeling like you cannot breath.  Depending on how the baby is positioned, he or she may actually be kicking you in your ribs!  Kicking is not the only issue with these little mobile guys, even stretching out underneath your ribs or moving by your ribs can cause pain or a misalignment of the ribs. Your ribs serve to protect the vital organs of your body such as the heart and lungs.  When the ribs are misaligned or not in their proper place, breathing in will cause severe pain due to the misarticulation of the bones, stretching of the muscles and compromising of the nerve function. Why does my back constantly ache?   Ahhh, the backache like no other.  It seems to only get worse as you progress through pregnancy. Why does this happen? Early onset of back pain in pregnancy can be because of those fun hormones we’ve been talking about. From the second you become pregnant, your body goes into stellar “getting ready for birth” mode. Your body releases hormones that allow for the ligaments holding your bones together to loosen. This, along with some bloating and cramping that can occur in early pregnancy, can make for a killer backache. As your pregnancy continues and your baby gets bigger, your weight increases. A typical pregnancy weight can can be from 25-35 lbs. The majority of this weight goes right to your belly, forcing your pelvis to widen and your lumbar spine to sway inward toward the baby. This forces the rest of your spine to change accordingly and alter your posture. Misalignments of the pelvis and lumbar spine occur due to the pulling of muscles and ligaments and because of the altered posture, putting pressure on the discs, muscles, and nerves in the low back, producing a constant low back pain! Why are my legs on fire?   That sharp, aching, burning feeling in your legs. Almost every pregnant woman will have this pain at some point during her pregnancy. What is it?  The answer maybe not one you would expect because it is mostly associated with an injury to a bulging or herniated disc. But the answer is a simple one. It’s sciatica. Sciatic pain is that deep, dull, aching, burning pain you can feel in your hips, thighs, buttocks, legs and feet. It can be in one area or travel down from your buttocks to your feet leaving no region unaffected.   Sciatica is caused when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated. This nerve is the longest nerve of the body and travels from your lumbar spine down through the buttocks, to the back of the thigh and down through the back of the leg into the foot, on both sides. During pregnancy, sciatic pain comes on because of the changes in your lumbar spine, pelvis and posture. Your anatomy shifts and it is common that the sciatic nerve

Postpartum Care and Recovery, Why You Should See a Chiropractor

postpartum care and chiropractic | Dr. Chris Mascetta | Ridgefield Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Having a baby is hard work, your body goes through so many changes to bring a new life into this world and those changes don’t stop after delivery. Any mother knows that postpartum recovery can be hard, the good news is that a few visits to your Chiropractor can help you recover faster and easier. We want to help you feel your best and be your best, being properly aligned will help with that and help you feel your best after delivery. Every mom deserves the best care and we look forward to helping you on your motherhood journey.

My Newborn Won’t Stop Crying! Can Chiropractic Care Help With Colic?

Colic: it’s every new parent’s worst nightmare. A digestive condition that leads to comfortless crying in babies and young kids, colic can feel impossible to treat and even harder to live with. What most people don’t know, though, is that chiropractic care can help treat colic and promote comfort and wellbeing in kids and toddlers of all ages.  What is Colic? The term “colic” is a common one, and most parents have heard it tossed around for years. You might be surprised to learn, though, that there’s not a true medical definition for colic. Generally understood as “inconsolable crying,” colic applies to any baby that cries for an extended period. Here’s how The American Pregnancy Association defines colic: “According to many experts, colic is inconsolable crying in an infant that lasts many hours a day, starting in the second week of life and lasting until about three months of age. About 40 years ago, a pediatrician named Dr. Morris Wessel conducted a breakthrough study on excessively fussy children. The definition he chose to use to describe colicky babies was not considered scientific, but it stuck with physicians. His description of a colicky infant was a child who cried for more than 3 hours a day, for more than three days a week, for over three weeks. This is often referred to as the “Rule of 3’s” and these rules came to be known as the Wessell Criteria, which is now used in most current studies of babies with colic.” The Signs and Symptoms of Colic How do you know if your baby has colic? What’s the difference between a colicky child, and one who is just fussy? Here are a few key facts about colic: First of all, a colicky baby is not a sick baby. Colic is a digestive condition that, while sometimes challenging to treat, can be resolved.  Some pediatric experts believe that all babies experience colic, although the differentiation between one case and another comes down to the degree of discomfort and crying.   According to Wessell’s Criteria, an estimated 20-25% of babies experience “colic.”  Colic has many physical signs. Most colicky babies pull their legs up to their chest. They may also stretch their legs, clench their fists, beat the air, or pass gas repeatedly. Another surefire sign is a baby with a distended abdomen. Although gas is not the cause of colic, it’s a symptom – as babies gulp air as they cry. Colic crying generally increases in the evening hours and is at its worst 6-8 weeks after birth Colic can self-resolve. In most cases, it ends for 50% of babies at three months of age, and  90% of babies by the time they reach nine months. What Causes Colic? As a parent, it can be wrenching to watch your baby grapple with colic. The discomfort is evident, and many parents feel powerless to provide relief for their little one. The first step in doing this, though, is understanding what causes colic. Here are a few of the primary factors: Children that are naturally sensitive and require more attention Children with underdeveloped or immature nervous systems Kids who become overwhelmed easily or are sensitive to stimulation Breastfed babies who may be vulnerable to something in their mother’s diet Bottle-fed babies who are reacting to the proteins in their formula Babies who eat too quickly or who are being overfed  Babies whose mothers smoked throughout their pregnancies Babies who gulp air when they cry or feed, and who are not burped afterward Babies with low birth weight or acid reflux In some cases, a baby can have a single risk factor. In other cases, babies may experience several of these issues at once. If your baby is experiencing any of these, don’t fret. There are improvements you can make to your little one’s condition. They don’t have to be in pain forever.  2 Big Ways Chiropractic Care Helps With Colic The fact that chiropractic care helps babies with colic find relief is not a theory. Instead, there is ample scientific evidence to back the claim up. According to one 2012 study published in the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy,  “One hundred four patients were randomized. In parents blinded to treatment allocation, using 2 or fewer hours of crying per day to determine a clinically significant improvement in crying time, the increased odds of improvement in treated infants compared with those not receiving treatment were statistically significant at day 8…In this study, chiropractic manual therapy improved crying behavior in infants with colic. The findings showed that knowledge of treatment by the parent did not appear to contribute to the observed treatment effects in this study. Thus, it is unlikely that the observed treatment effect is due to bias on the part of the reporting parent.” With that in mind, here is how chiropractic care can help your baby with a case of colic: 1. Chiropractic Care Stimulates the Digestive System Colic originates in the digestive system. Fortunately, chiropractic care stimulates and activates the digestive system, offering remarkable benefits for babies and young children. Compared to other treatment options, like the administration of anti-gas medication, chiropractic care provides a holistic, more effective method of treatment that can lessen or resolve the issue entirely. 2. Chiropractic Care Improves Body Function Chiropractic care works with the body, never limiting the body’s natural functions. This allows specific systems to “get out of their way,” so to speak. While many parents are nervous about the idea of taking their baby in for adjustment by a chiropractor, chiropractors are specially trained to deal with infants and will provide a gentle, comprehensive adjustment that can help your baby’s body thrive.  Chiropractic Care: Your Go-To for Colic If your baby has a sore, sad tummy, chiropractic care can help. For more information or to book your first appointment today, contact ou team now. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you settle on a treatment plan for your little one. 

How Much Sleep Does my Toddler Really Need?

how much sleep does a toddler need | Dr. Chris Mascetta | Family Chiropractor Ridgefield CT | Ridgefield Chiropracitc & Wellness Center

Sleep: if you have a young child, it’s a mythical, mystical topic. During the baby days, it’s virtually non-existent. As your child reaches toddlerhood, though, the paradigm surrounding sleep shifts. Suddenly, your child is sleeping a lot, but how much sleep does he or she need? And how can you help promote the healthiest sleep possible? Here’s what you need to know.  Children and Sleep, by the Numbers Sleep is an essential process for all living creatures. During deep sleep, the body and mind regenerate, short-term memory is converted to long-term memory, and muscles and bones grow.  A toddler has different sleep needs than an adult. While most people know this by virtue of common sense, it can still be shocking to see the difference between these two groups broken down into actual numbers.  How Much Sleep Newborns Need By the time we reach adulthood, most of us have established a regular circadian rhythm. What most people don’t know, though, is that these circadian rhythms take some time to develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation: “Circadian rhythms, or the sleep-wake cycle, are regulated by light and dark, and these rhythms take time to develop, resulting in the irregular sleep schedules of newborns. The rhythms begin to develop at about six weeks, and by three to six months, most infants have a regular sleep-wake cycle. By the age of two, most children have spent more time asleep than awake, and overall, a child will spend 40 percent of his or her childhood asleep.” Because of this, newborns between the ages of 0-3 months sleep around-the-clock. The sleep/wake cycle is not yet established, and it interacts simultaneously with their other needs: to be fed, changed, and held. As a general rule, newborns will sleep between 10-18 hours each day. The sleep schedule is irregular, and newborns are generally very active during sleep. Sleep and Infants Infants are babies aged 4-11 months. By about six months of age, a baby’s stomach has increased in size to the point that most no longer require nighttime feedings, and many will sleep through the night. During this period, infants usually sleep about 9-12 hours each day and take length naps one to four times each day.  According to the National Sleep Foundation: “Infants who are put to bed drowsy but not asleep, they are more likely to become “self- soothers” which enables them to fall asleep independently at bedtime and put themselves back to sleep during the night. Those who have become accustomed to parental assistance at bedtime often become “signalers” and cry for their parents to help them return to sleep during the night.” Toddlers and Sleep Toddlers are children ages 1-2 years old. Children this age require a large amount of sleep each day – generally between 11-14 hours in a given 24-hour period. Most children of this age take one-three naps each day, with a length of about one-three hours each.  Toddlers at this age might start to resist bedtime and nighttime routines, even if they’ve been strong sleepers until this point. These children are exploring their independence, and have the increased motor skills necessary to allow them to climb out of their beds or play in their rooms instead of sleeping.  4 Smart Tips to Encourage Better Sleep for Your Toddler Does your toddler’s sleep schedule leave something to be desired? Don’t worry. There are ways to take children that don’t sleep well and transform them into all-star sleepers. Here are a few tips: 1. Maintain a Sleep Schedule After an age of about six months, children will benefit from a regular sleep schedule. Not only does this promote the development of healthy circadian rhythms, but it encourages sleep independence and helps babies develop healthy sleep habits that will stick with them for the rest of their lives.  The sleep schedule you develop should take your child’s natural patterns into consideration and should remain as consistent as possible at all times, including vacations and travel.  2. Establish a Sleep-Friendly Environment Toddlers will sleep better if their bedrooms are geared toward deep, restful nights. According to Sleep.org, simple things, like installing blackout shades and curtains, red bulb nightlights (the warm light is less activating for the brain, so your toddler is less likely to “wake up” during night time stirrings), proper storage, and a white noise machine can go a long way toward creating a relaxing, sleep-friendly environment. As you can see, you don’t have to overhaul a bedroom to make it a haven for sleep – just a few simple shifts can go a long way.  3. Address Underlying Issues In some cases, sleep problems can come from underlying issues, such as pain, sickness, or discomfort. If you notice that your toddler is having trouble sleeping consistently, consider taking the child to the chiropractor. Chiropractic care is excellent for addressing structural issues, slight injuries, and other issues that can keep toddlers uncomfortable and make sleeping difficult.  4. Set Limits With toddlers, it’s especially important to establish and maintain boundaries. While kids this age may sleep well once they’re in bed, many start resisting nighttime routines and bedtime. To counteract this, parents must establish routines and boundaries around bedtime, and make sure they’re enforced each night.  While this may be a difficult process at first, it will get easier with consistent reinforcement. Remember: kids love structure, and imposing some structure around bedtime will do everyone in the household good.  Better Sleep for Your Little One Toddlers are growing and developing rapidly, and they need a great deal of sleep to facilitate this process. If your little one isn’t sleeping as well or as long as you’d like, it’s worth evaluating your bedtime routine, sleeping space, and toddler’s health. Any number of things can contribute to sleep problems, and it’s smart to attack the issue from all angles.  Once you’ve identified the issues underlying your baby’s sleep issues, you’ll all enjoy a more restful, comfortable night of sleep.   Ready to make

6 Ways to Help with Hip Pain while Pregnant

6 ways top help with hip pain while pregnant | Dr. Chris Mascetta

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting time, however; it can come with some pains and aches.  Most pregnant women will end up with a lot of hip and pelvis pain once they are later in their pregnancy this can lead to uncomfortable sleep, issues walking, and generalized pain. The good news is that there is relief that is safe for both mom and baby! Pregnancy pains are not something you just have to deal with and feel miserable, you and your baby deserve a fun, painless pregnancy. Our office would be happy to help you feel your best as baby grows and after!  

Five Ways Chiropractic Care Will Help Ease Labor and Delivery

If you are pregnant and looking for an effective way to prepare yourself for labor and birth, chiropractic care is a fantastic option. A practice focused on maintaining the health and mobility of the spinal column, nerves, and discs, as well as all of your related bone geometry; chiropractic care doesn’t rely on surgery, drugs, or other invasive methods. Because of this, it’s very beneficial for pregnant women and can help prevent and diminish misaligned joints. Throughout pregnancy, this can cut down on pain and pressure, and help ensure the baby is in the right position for delivery. If you’ve ever wondered about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy, this article will tell you everything you need to know. Read on. Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Pregnant Women? Your baby is your top priority, and it’s natural to have some questions about the safety of chiropractic care during pregnancy. To put your mind at ease, here’s what the American Pregnancy Association (APA) has to say about the safety of chiropractic care for pregnant women: “There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is routine care for most chiropractors.” For some women, the leap to seek out chiropractic care feels safer when the chiropractor pursued has a special focus on or interest in pregnant women. Here is what the APA says about locating such a doctor: “Some chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and postnatal care and seek additional training. Below represents the designations of chiropractors who have taken advanced steps in working with infertility and pregnancy wellness.   DACCP – Diplomate with ICPA reflecting the highest level of advanced training CACCP – Certified with the ICPA reflecting advanced training Member of ICPA reflecting special interest Webster Certified – trained to work specifically with pelvic balance in pregnancy   Chiropractors that have been trained to work with pregnant women may use tables that adjust for a pregnant woman’s body, and they will use techniques that avoid unneeded pressure on the abdomen.” As you can see from the information above, chiropractic care during pregnancy is indeed safe and can offer a whole host of benefits for you and your baby. Can Chiropractic Care Prevent Interventions? If you’re one of the many women that’s hoping for a natural birth, preventing interventions is at the top of your list. Any obstetrical intervention, including standard ones like Pitocin administration, increase the risk of additional and more severe procedures. These interventions alter the natural mode of delivery and can be incredibly traumatic to both mother and baby. If you’re looking for ways to decrease the risk of these interventions, though, prenatal chiropractic care can be a critical tool. This is especially true when it comes to preventing birth traumas such as fractured clavicles and humerus bones, which can affect babies born through misaligned pelvises. When the mother’s pelvic bone is corrected and maintained via proper chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, these traumas become drastically less likely. Pregnancy, as a result, is then more comfortable for both baby and mother. As the baby develops in utero, a properly-aligned pelvis contributes to optimal fetal positioning and safer delivery for both mother and baby. If you have additional questions about how chiropractic care works to prevent interventions, ask your doctor for more information. 5 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Streamline Pregnancy Whether you’re worried about your baby being in the correct position for birth, or just trying to ensure healthy labor, chiropractic care can help. Here are five ways spinal manipulation can ease pregnancy and labor: 1. Better Pelvic Balance If your spine and joints are misaligned, it can wreak havoc on your body. For most people, this just means pain. For a pregnant woman, though, it can cause issues like a protruding abdomen and increased back curve, pelvic changes, postural adaptations, and more. All of these spells one thing: a pelvis that isn’t balanced and ready to birth your baby. When the pelvis is out of alignment, it cuts down on the amount of room your body has available for a developing baby. This, in turn, makes it difficult for the baby to get into the head-down birth position and can cause arduous labors or interventions, such as c-sections. As if all that weren’t enough, the nervous system also communicates frequently with the pelvis, and an out-of-alignment pelvis can cause pain and discomfort throughout the rest of the body. When the pelvis is aligned, the entire body works more efficiently. 2. Less Nausea If you struggle with morning sickness or, worse, hyperemesis gravidarum, chiropractic care can help you work through it. What many people don’t know about chiropractic care is that it can be a powerful antidote to nausea. Studies have shown that regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can help reduce morning sickness symptoms. Not only will it make your back feel better and decrease pain in your joints, but it allows the nervous system to work optimally, and to transmit messages through a well-aligned spine. This, in turn, can lessen the severity and frequency of morning sickness, and help you get through those early months with ease. 3. Faster Labor and Delivery If you want to spend less time in labor and delivery (who doesn’t?), chiropractic care could be just the thing. By bringing the back, pelvis, and spine into alignment, chiropractic care throughout pregnancy allows your baby to move into position (and stay there) and makes it easier for you to pass the baby through the birth canal without any dystocias. According to Healthline: “When the pelvis is out of alignment, it can make it hard for your baby to move into the best position to be born, which is rear-facing, head down. In some cases, this could affect a woman’s ability to have a natural and noninvasive birth. A balanced pelvis also means your baby

5 Ways to Jump Start Labor Naturally

5 ways to jumpstart labor | Ridgefield Chiropractic and Wellness

As your due date nears, it’s natural to get antsy about when you’ll go into labor. You want to meet your new baby, after all! While the time and place is ultimately up to your body, there are a few natural steps you can take to help nudge labor along. Here are the top five: